Home / Bonsai / Indoor Bonsai / Portulacaria afra

Indoor bonsai - Portulakaria Afra - Thicket PB220319

Art.No.: 473-PB220319
size 32 cm, age 9 years
Discontinued product
Indoor bonsai - Portulakaria Afra - Thicket PB220319DESCRIPTION: it belongs to the succulent bonsai, it has fleshy green leaves, the trunk and young branches are brown-red and look better than Crassula, where they are long green. LOCATION: sunny site, temperature 10-30oC, drop below 5oC and heavy waterlogging are devastating. WATERING: abundant watering until it dries out FERTILIZATION: 1 x a month TRANSPLANTING: after two to three years, anchoring is important, because the watery crown is heavy and there is a risk of overturning. New roots will willingly grow in a dry substrate, even from an old trunk if we remove, for example, all old, rotten roots (excessive watering) SOIL: ordinary garden soil and coarser sand in a ratio of 1:2, or Substrate for bonsai Bonsai Master with the addition of 1 part coarser sand. PRUNING: tolerates cutting well in a bright location, branches willingly. SHAPING: the wire is rarely used here, I recommend not watering the purslane for a long time before it, then it is surprisingly easy.